Thursday, July 29, 2010

Experiment 4

Vs=10 & 15 volts, R=1 kohm, 1 x Zener diode, 1 x diode

Zd=5.1 volts
D=0.7 volts

----------------At 10 volts------------------------------At 15 volts

Volt drop V1=4.68 volts_______________________4.83 volts
Volt drop V2=0.67 volts_______________________0.69 volts
Volt drop V3=5.34 volts_______________________5.52 volts
Volt drop V4=5.22 volts_______________________9.83 volts

Current amps at 10 volts Vs
I=V/R=(10-5.1-0.7)/1000=4.2 mili amps

Current amps at 15 volts Vs
I=V/R=(15-5.1-0.7)/1000=9.2 mili volts

When zener diode installed in reverse bias it takes 5.1 volts to run and let the rest through and another diode installed in forward bias, takes 0.7 volts to run and let the rest through so voltage drop across two diodes would be 5.1+0.7=5.8 volts, it doest matter how much voltage applied as they will act with the same voltage drop, until voltage would be so high it just push thorough the diodes and damage them.
Voltage drop across resistor indicates how much voltage let for it to use.

1 comment:

  1. Good explanation on the operation of the two diodes but what is happening with the resistor?
    why is its reading changing?
